Cazamian, Louis François, 1877-1965


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His Le roman social en augleterre ... 1904
生没年等 1877-1965
から見よ参照 Cazamian, Louis, 1877-1965
カザミヤン, ルイ
コード類 典拠ID=AA00009672  NCID=DA00409874
1 A history of English literature : The Middle Ages and the Renascence (650-1660) / by Emile Legouis ; translated from the French by Helen Douglas Irvine ; Modern times (1660-1934) / by Louis Cazamian ; transrated from the French by W.D. Macinnes Further revised and reissued ed.. - London : Dent , 1933