Townshend, Emily Caroline Gibson, 1849-1934


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 SRC:William Morris & the communist ideal / by Mrs. Townshend(Fabian Society, 1912)
EDSRC:Guilds and co-operatives in Italy / by Odon Por ; translated by E. Townshend ; introduction by A. E. ; and an appendix by G.D.H. Cole(Labour Publishing Co.,1923)
生没年等 1849-1934
から見よ参照 Townshend, Emily Caroline (Gibson), Mrs., 1849-1934
Townshend, Mrs.
Townshend, E.
コード類 典拠ID=AA00189975  NCID=DA08766547
1 William Morris & the communist ideal / by Mrs. Townshend London : Fabian Society , 1912