
The Norton library

資料種別 図書
出版者 New York : Norton
本文言語 英語
書誌ID BK00335271


1 N125 Meditations on Quixote / Jose Ortega y Gasset ; with introd. and notes by Julián Marías ; translated from the Spanish by Evelyn Rugg and Diego Marín New York : W.W. Norton , 1963
2 N126 What is philosophy? / José Ortega y Gasset ; translated from the Spanish by Mildred Adams [1st American ed.]. - New York : Norton , c1960
3 Concord and Liberty / José Ortega y Gasset ; translated from the Spanish by Helene Weyl New York : W.W. Norton , 1963, c1946
4 The origin of philosophy / José Ortega y Gasset ; authorized translation from the Spanish by Toby Talbot New York ; Norton & Company , c1967 : New York ; Norton & Company , c1967
5 N181 Portraits in miniature, and other essays / by Lytton Strachey New York : Norton, 1962
6 The Spanish story : Franco and the nations at war / Herbert Feis New York : W.W. Norton , 1966
7 The Spaniards in their history / Ramón Menéndez Pidal ; translated and with an introduction by Walter Starkie New York : W. W. Norton , 1966, c1950
8 N221 Thought reform and the psychology of totalism : a study of "brainwashing" in China / Robert Jay Lifton New York : W.W. Norton , c1969
9 Woodcraft : or, hawks about the devecote : a story of the South at the close of the revolution / by William Gilmore Simms New York : Norton , c1961
10 N-317 Step by step : evolution and operation of the Cornell students' civil-rights project in Tennessee, summer, 1964 / by Fayette County Project Volunteers : pbk.. - New York : Published for the Fayette County Fund by W. W. Norton , c1965
11 705 A short history of Shakespearean criticism / Arthur M. Eastman New York : Norton , 1974, c1968
12 The dynamics of literary response / Norman N. Holland New York : Norton , 1975
13 N830 The invasion of America : Indians, colonialism, and the cant of conquest / by Francis Jennings New York : Norton , 1976, c1975
14 Homer and the heroic tradition / Cedric H. Whitman New York : W.W. Norton , 1965, c1958


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:Norton library