
British labour struggles : contemporary pamphlets 1727-1850

資料種別 図書
出版者 New York : Arno Press
本文言語 und
書誌ID BK00336304


1 The Aftermath of the "last labourers' revolt" : fourteen pamphlets, 1830-1831 New York : Arno Press , 1972
2 The Battle for the ten hours day continues : four pamphlets, 1837-1843 New York : Arno Press , 1972
3 Conditions of work and living : the reawakening of the English conscience, five pamphlets, 1838-1844 New York : Arno Press , 1972
4 Cooperation and the working class: theoretical contributions : four pamphlets, 1827-1834 New York : Arno Press , 1972
5 Cooperative communities: plans and descriptions : eleven pamphlets, 1825-1847 New York : Arno Press , 1972
6 Demands for early closing hours : three pamphlets, 1843 New York : Arno Press , 1972
7 The Factory act of 1819 : six pamphlets, 1818-1819 New York : Arno Press , 1972
8 The Factory education bill of 1843 : six pamphlets, 1843 New York : Arno Press , 1972
9 The Framework knitters and handloom weavers; their attempts to keep up wages : eight pamphlets, 1820-1845 New York : Arno Press , 1972
10 Trade unions under the Combination Acts : five pamphlets, 1799-1823 New York : Arno Press , 1972
11 Labour problems before the industrial revolution : four pamphlets, 1727-1745 New York : Arno Press , 1972
12 Labour disputes in the early days of the industrial revolution : four pamphlets, 1758-1780 New York : Arno Press , 1972
13 The Spread of machinery : five pamphlets, 1793-1806 New York : Arno Press , 1972
14 The Luddites : three pamphlets, 1812-1839 New York : Arno Press , 1972
15 The Spitalfields acts : seven pamphlets, 1818-1828 New York : Arno Press , 1972
16 Friendly societies : seven pamphlets, 1798-1839 New York : Arno Press , 1972
17 Prelude to victory of the ten hours movement : two speeches, one letter, and a report, 1844 New York : Arno Press , 1972
18 Sunday work : seven pamphlets, 1794-1856 New York : Arno Press , 1972
19 1727-1850 Richard Oastler: king of factory children : six pamphlets, 1835-1861 New York : Arno Press , 1972
20 The Factory act of 1833 : eight pamphlets, 1833-1834 New York : Arno Press , 1972
21 The Ten hours movement in 1831 and 1832 : six pamphlets and one broadside, 1831-1832 New York : Arno Press , 1972
22 The Rational system : seven pamphlets, 1837-1841 New York : Arno Press , 1972
23 Owenism and the working class : six pamphlets and four broadsides, 1821-1834 New York : Arno Press , 1972
24 Motherwell and Orbiston: the first Owenite attempts at cooperative communities : three pamphlets, 1822-1825 New York : Arno Press , 1972
25 Robert Owen at New Lanark : two booklets and one pamphlet, 1824-1838 New York : Arno Press , 1972
26 Labour disputes in the mines : eight pamphlets, 1831-1844 New York : Arno Press , 1972
27 Rebirth of the trade union movement : five pamphlets, 1838-1847 New York : Arno Press , 1972
28 Character, object, and effects of trades' unions, 1834 / [Edward Carleton Tufnell] New York : Arno Press , 1972
29 Trade unions in the early 1830s : seven pamphlets, 1831-1837 New York : Arno Press , 1972
30 Repeal of the Combination Acts : five pamphlets and one broadside, 1825 New York : Arno Press , 1972
31 Improving the lot of the chimney sweeps : one book and nine pamphlets, 1785-1840 New York : Arno Press , 1972
32 The rising of the agricultural labourers : nine pamphlets and six broadsides, 1830-1831 New York : Arno Press , 1972


